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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Quote of the Day

"The lunatic is the man who lives in a small world but thinks it is a large one; he is the man who lives in a tenth of the truth, and thinks it is the whole. The madman cannot conceive any cosmos outside a certain tale or conspiracy or vision."

G. K. Chesterton

"Right is right, no matter many people are against it. Wrong is wrong, no matter many people are for it."

William Penn

The most important thing, in my opinion, is that everybody respects everybody else, and nobody forces his/her way of thinking to anybody else, try to understand why someone opines something.

And let us live together peacefully with all our differences.

1 comment:

jiwakitamerdeka said...

I agree with you that the most important thing,is that everybody respects everybody else.

But the journey to find out Truth on trivial things will go on. Try to discuss with others, asking around and asking the EXPERTS in the effort/endeavor to seek Truth for the sake of Truth.

The Truth is somewhere.... Sayang belum terjumpa.

And in the meantime, let us live together peacefully with all our differences. May He guide us.